Have you started a Twitter account for your real estate business yet? If not, then now might be as good a time as any. As of October, Twitter has about 320 million active users worldwide, many of whom could be right in the area where you do business. So, how do you manage your Twitter […]
Real Estate Seller Leads Generation Blog
How to Schedule Your Social Media Posts (TEMPLATE)
You have enough to do in your real estate business without having to worry about social media. But as many of you know, platforms like Facebook and Instagram are essential to increasing your reach online to make solid offline connections later. So how do you manage your social media marketing? We have a guide and […]
To Call or Not to Call: Dealing with the Do-Not-Call Registry
Sometimes as real estate agents, you have to reach out to potential home sellers that you’ve never been in contact with before. This is usually the case, for example, with expired listings or with someone whom you may have become privvy to knowing is in the market to sell their home. But did you know […]
Stress-Free Closing Date: Disconnect Utilities Seamlessly
In our last blog about your sellers moving out, we discussed some strategies to help the closing date (whenever it may occur) to be stress-free. Now let’s look at another element of moving out: disconnecting utilities. Earlier, you advised the sellers to plan for overlapping residences so they won’t be fooled by a delayed closing […]
Implementing Systems Leads To Success
Agent Spotlight: Nic Silvester and Ryan Welch, Keller Williams Biltmore Partners With a combined 37 years of experience, the 3105 Group provides a top notch customer service to clients looking to buy or sell real estate in Phoenix, Arizona. With that much experience, they figured they had the concept of lead generation and conversion down […]
Real Estate Sales Tracking Spreadsheets
You’re working your Home Value Leads as fast as they come in. You and your team are processing seller inquiries and now you have listings from your leads. Listings develop into closings (hooray!) and they’re closing escrow so quickly that you can barely keep track of them. How do you handle so many sales? Many […]
We Like To Party! We Like, We Like To Party!
The HomeValueLeads.com domain name was registered on June 5th, 2013, which means that today we are 2 years old! I wanted to thank you for sharing this journey with us. A big thanks for being a customer, a user, and a raving fan. We couldn’t have done it without your support. Failure rates for tech […]
Brenda Mullen – US Veteran to Real Estate Rockstar
Agent Spotlight: Brenda Mullen of Re/MAX Access After traveling throughout the US and the world for 21 years as an Army Medic and never being able to call somewhere home, Brenda Mullen retired from active service. She decided that her new mission was to help others find a place that they could call home. Now settled down, […]
How To Get Home Buyer Leads: Target Renters
The first thing that may come to mind when you think about real estate leads may not be renters. But if you think about the huge opportunity you have to transition apartment dwellers, for example, to homeowners, you might want to consider marketing to this group as part of your portfolio of potential home buyer […]
Should You Hire a Real Estate Intern?
Sometimes in real estate, work can get just so darn busy that you need a little help here and there to keep you sane and organized. As with any other field or industry, a great option is to hire an intern. Why Hire a Real Estate Intern Hiring an intern is one of the lowest-cost […]